Ceph & Rook: Data Security and Storage Hardening

This October, Ana McTaggart, Michael Hackett and myself presented a fast-paced security overview of all things Ceph and Rook at the newfangled CNCF Security Conference.

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This was a mixed virtual and in-person event. We elected to go virtual, but we saw from pictures the in-person session was well attended, despite travel restrictions. Yay vaccines!

CNSCon room picture.png

Due to the virtual format, this talk was pre-recorded and I presented at a brisk pace. This inevitably happens when it is late in the evening and I had too much caffeine. Have some coffee yourself, then listen to the recording:

Our slides are available as a PDF and can be viewed inline below — we are very interested in your feedback and comments or any unanswered questions you may have. Find me on Twitter and share your thoughts!

Comments? Discuss on Hacker News.


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