Greetings from Guadalajara. Or was it Vancouver?


Fellow Ximian monkey Geronimo Orozco invited me to speak to his local OpenStack user group, and I was very happy to oblige. The calendar made for an interesting Google Hangouts session from the first day of the OpenStack Liberty design summit in Vancouver.

Aside from a few connection glitches, the meeting went surprisingly well! Lots of great questions from the Guadalajara Stackers followed my introduction to Software-defined Storage and Ceph’s design.


My slides for the event are posted here: Ceph Intro and Architectural Overview.

Hasta la próxima!


Now read this

Bloomberg hosts Ceph Days in NYC

The Storage Engineering team at Bloomberg graciously hosted our first Ceph Days event of the year in their New York City offices. The event was an absolute blast, it was great to see so many Community members and even colleagues face to... Continue →