How to Survive an OpenStack Cloud Meltdown with Ceph

Los Tres Caballeros —sans sombreros— descended on Vancouver this week to participate in the “Rocky” OpenStack Summit. For the assembled crowd of clouderati, Sébastien Han, Sean Cohen and yours truly had one simple question: what if your datacenter was wiped out in its entirety, but your users hardly even noticed?

How to Survive an OpenStack Cloud Meltdown with Ceph

We have touched on the disaster recovery theme before, but this time we decided to discuss backup as well as HA, which made for a slightly longer talk than we had planned—we hope you enjoyed our “choose your disaster” tour, we definitely enjoyed leading it.

Tiering to AWS roadmap

Our session on Ceph disaster recovery in OpenStack also featured unique parenting advice!


The recording of our Summit session is now live on the OpenStack Foundation’s YouTube channel. It is impressive how quickly the Foundation’s media team releases now:

Our slides are available as a PDF and can be viewed inline below — we are including our backup slides, so you can find out what we could have talked about, had we run over even longer ;-)

See you all in Berlin this fall!


Now read this

Jewels of Distributed Storage

OpenStack Days NYC, Operators Midcycle and Red Hat Ceph Storage 2.0 # Today, while I was enjoying the keynotes of old friends at OpenStack Days New York City, the Ceph team at Red Hat was hard at work releasing RHCS 2.0 — the most... Continue →