Time to Stand and Be Counted

Lizards, it is time to head to the polls for your favorite Linux distribution! Linux Journal is running a poll to gauge the popularity of major distributions today, and needless to say it is imperative for all Geekos out there to do their patriotic clicking duty.

That’s what the prehensile tail is for, in case you had wondered — efficient multi-tasking ?

Be advised that the Journal is going to run a feature on the results in the coming months, and that your comments may be quoted for inclusion – just be extra-witty and doubly insightful as always.

Note: I did take notice that SUSE is spelled in the old-school way (cool!), and that they are conglomerating our Community and Enterprise distros under the same entry, and have notified the editors over at LJ for future reference, but of course the entries of a running poll are no longer editable.

Cross-posted to OpenSUSE Lizards.


Now read this

How to Survive an OpenStack Cloud Meltdown with Ceph

Los Tres Caballeros —sans sombreros— descended on Vancouver this week to participate in the “Rocky” OpenStack Summit. For the assembled crowd of clouderati, Sébastien Han, Sean Cohen and yours truly had one simple question: what if your... Continue →