Ubuntu 14.04 on Tour: OSCON

The Ubuntu Server BoF is on at this year’s O'Reilly OSCON conference. Patricia Gaughen and I will be joining forces to bring you our dynamic duo of Engineering and Product views. We hope you bring all your questions, ideas, and even complaints – we are all ears! If you run a large Ubuntu installation in a public cloud or a datacenter, we would especially like to hear from you and how can we make the Ubuntu experience even better for you.

OSCON - Ubuntu Server Deep Dive

We will not make you do all the talking, and we are bringing one of my favorite server talks to share with you, our security deep dive. We hope you can join us in Portland!

Ubuntu Server Deep Dive

UPDATE: Slides are now posted above. Thanks to all for coming despite the tardy hour, and see you next year!

OSCON 2014 Interview -2.png

My friend Andy Oram from O'Reilly interviewed me on the current state of OpenStack and the emerging DefCore effort, Ubuntu Server, and my various Arduino hacks. It was fun! Here is the video:

Oscon 2014 Intereview - 4.png

OSCON 14.png


Now read this

A Year in the Cloud

The Ubuntu Cloud Zeitgeist: a year in retrospective # The new year is a perfect occasion to reflect on the road we just covered and how far we have come just in this past year. We opened 2014 shipping the new Ubuntu Server 14.04 on April... Continue →