Landscape Dedicated Server 11.07 Update  

The Landscape Team is happy to announce the release of an update to Landscape Dedicated Server, the version of our Ubuntu Systems Management service deployed behind the firewall at customer sites.

LDS 11.07.1 (11.07.20120217-2) aligns the Dedicated Server with updates recently introduced on It includes support for the new AWS region in São Paulo (sa-east-1) and Ubuntu Oneiric (11.10) images, as well as a number of security fixes detailed in the release notes.

The most noteworthy new feature is support for OpenStack as a custom EC2 compatible endpoint. I was able to set up CanoniStack (our internal R&D Cloud) as a cloud deployment target in my Landscape account and start launching instances from Landscape quicker than it is taking me to write about it – and it is all fronted in our standard cross-cloud interface in Landscape.


Cross-posted to the Landscape Blog.


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