Storage Day NYC

The Red Hat Ceph Storage roadmap #


The Red Hat storage team descended on NYC today, and I was up presenting our Ceph product roadmap with none other than Sage himself.

The video covers our current thinking around product releases coming in 2016, and is of course subject to change, but I fully expect some variation of the Pareto rule applies here and we are at least 80% on mark.

I covered the current state and plans for our Hammer-based product (RHCS 1.3), but the best short summary of Ceph’s current LTS release is conveyed by CERN’s Dan van der Ster’s quote to OpenStack Superuser last year:

“For less than 10-petabyte clusters, Ceph just works, you don’t have to do much” #

Sage laid out the very exciting objectives of the upcoming Jewel release, which is the basis for this Summer’s Red Hat Ceph Storage 2.0. The slides are below, and we are happy to answer your questions on Twitter: find us at @liewegas and @0xF2.

Red Hat Storage customers customers, including Bloomberg, Cigna, and Verizon, as well as key partners like Seagate and Cavium shared their experience with Open Source software-defined storage in a fact-filled day that packed not just a compelling agenda but also gave us all a great opportunity to catch up with each other’s efforts. More of the day’s presentations will be made available soon on Red Hat Storage’s Slideshare.


Now read this

OpenStack and Ceph: like Peanut Butter & Jelly

The Three musketeers (as our marketing colleagues have started to call us now) were at the Red Hat Summit last week to walk the assembled crowd of CIOs through all the reasons why Ceph is the most successful storage technology in the... Continue →